Posts about venice tides

  • Venice tides connection issues
    We're aware of the connection issues in Venice Tides on iOS10. Please be patient just a little bit more, we're about to release a fix soon!
    Posted 8 years ago
  • They're finally here! Our Venice tides promotion stickers arrived today and we're super excited about 'em!
    Posted 11 years ago
  • Venice tides on iOS 7
    There's a small issue on Venice tides for iOS7, but dont' worry, we're already working on it!
    Posted 11 years ago
  • We reached 500 downloads! Last weekend, actually, but anyways: wow! Thanks to everyone for downloading and appreciating our app. Maybe for someone 500 is not such a big number, but it’s flattering for us. Venice tides is our first app, it's super local (it works just in one city) and it’s seasonal. We didn't expect that much (ok, we've got a lot of acqua alta in Venice this year, maybe it helped us a little), so - again - thanks to everybody! Just the idea that so many people has our Venice tides on their iPhone is totally rewarding and… amazing!
    Posted 11 years ago
  • Apple approved our Venice tides and Venice tides lite two days ago *____* After a first scary moment when we found a small bug (luckly server side, so we could fix it immediatly), everything went fine! We're pretty crazy about stats right now. It'll pass, we know, but at the moment we just have to check them every half an hour or so :P We're using Test Flight Live, App Figures and iTunes Connect for app's stats.
    Posted 12 years ago
  • It was a tipical evening, drinking Spritz with friends after work, when, at some point, someone said something like “hey, we should make an ‘acqua alta’ app! Just imagine it: your usual iPhone home screen with water in the background which goes up according to the current tide level!! Wouldn’t that be totally awesome?”. It happened like… more than two years ago. Creating Venice Tides hasn’t exactly been a short process. No, it didn’t take two years - we started working at it way long after that evening, with many breaks in between – but still, it took us more than we imagined in the beginning.
    Posted 12 years ago