So, we tried the new admob...

Well, let's say it: the old admob was sooooo '90s. So we absolutely appreciate the new one.
I don't know if we never used the old one 'cause it was so ugly, or just because we love AppFigures too much to bother to use other stats services.
The first impression was: hey, where are all my old stats?? ç_ç But don't be scared, they'll come back in about 24 hours.
The second impression was actually: wow, we didn't know anything about AdMob! That's because the new UI made us discover something we really didn't know. First, you get paid only when you reach at least 70€ (that's a lot for us, since we use mediation and iAds gives us most of the revenues). Second: we had never confirmed our bank account. I had no idea that we had to do that! Third, you can filter ads and remove some categories.
Well, probably everybody knows all of this except of us, but it's just a good example of how UI can change everything!

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